I had every intention of posting a weekend recap tonight. I knew I'd have stories to tell because the Adorable 5-Year-Old Niece spent the past two days with me. I was going to spin a yarn or two about our adventures in Central Park, my attempts to accommodate that bundle of energy in my tiny wee studio as well as my take on The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie (last night's activity) and a few other details, but I'm exhausted. I was bouncing back from last week's awful cold but I think I'm heading for a relapse. I'm not feeling well at all.
However, I can't blame my stuffed-up state totally on my cold because I just spent the past two hours sobbing -- and I do mean sobbing -- while watching Extreme Makeover: Home Edition. That show can usually soften my hardened heart long enough to make a tear or two trickle down my cheek but this particular episode... well, there was BAWLING!!!!!
In tonight's installment, a young woman died of leukemia and left behind a husband and three little boys. That formula always gets me choked up when watching made-for-TV movies and very-special episodes of sitcoms but this was the real deal and oh my God, I'm wiped out after watching it. There was a heartening outpouring of generosity by the community and the new house is gorgeous but I just feel so sad for the family. While all of that stuff helps, none of it can replace their tremendous loss.
Dude, I'm like inconsolable right now. Like I said, I usually well up while watching this show but tonight's was particularly hard on me. Perhaps it's the various decongestants and antihystamines coursing through me causing me to be all out of sorts. Or maybe I just needed a good cry.
Or maybe it's because I already miss my niece. Even though she spilled shit all over my tiny wee studio and wore my ass out, the place feels empty without her. I must schedule a follow-up sleepover soon.
But I can always console myself with the knowledge that my boyfriend, one Tino Martinez, clobbered the ball yet again! Today he slapped two big ones and has now tied A-Rod for the major-league lead with 12 homers. Swooooooooon!
There, I feel better already.