But I digress... in a cab ride from the Upper West Side to Brooklyn tonight, I discovered that my cab driver:
:: is against the upcoming fare hikeI actually didn't mind my verbose driver and this very personal exchange. He totally disarmed me and I even answered some of his questions and politely dodged the ones about the whereabouts of my boyfriend. I think it was his soon-to-be-single status and the toothpick dangling from his mouth that made me stonewall him during certain portions of the getting-to-know-you exercise. But he redeemed himself after I paid my fare... he removed the toothpick and blew me a kiss of thanks without being gross about it. I almost offered to go to Queens to help him evict the dirty skank.
:: hates Bloomberg and is concerned for all New Yorkers about the rising cost of living in NYC
:: lives in a 3-bedroom in Elmhurst and only pays $550/month
:: will be evicting a freeloading woman he's been shacking up with for the past seven years... TOMORROW. Apparently, she's been lying to him and bleeding him dry and he "can't have that." Girlfriend will be pounding the pavement tomorrow if all goes according to plan. ::snap snap::