Thanks to lots of shameless shilling on my part and some possible voting irregularities, it seems that Ham & Cheese on Wry is the 2006 TLL Lesbian Blog of the Year.
Lori of Hahn at Home technically received the most votes but she removed herself from the running because she felt some people voted for her site more than once.
Wow. That takes a lot of integrity and class and Lori deserves high praise. And my sincere gratitude... Thank you, Lori! You're truly awesome.
Thank you to everyone who nominated and voted for my blog. And thanks and a big welcome to all the new readers who stopped by and patiently read through all of my posts from the schmoopie to the insane. I'm happy to have you here.
And finally, thanks to Kelly at The Lesbian Lifestyle who organized this whole shebang. I know it was a lot of hard work and I know I speak for everyone involved when I say your efforts are much appreciated. Thank you!
I hereby promise to honor and uphold the duties of my crown and not pull a Tara Conner. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm off to tie one on in celebration. Uh... with a non-alcoholic beverage, of course.
Thanks again!